for people who like stuff.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Disappear and reappear

Today I was inspired by music again and also I wanted to stay in the dark tones. Oh and I refused to wear a shirt today cause well I am all for half nude! Here is the reason for this look

-On my bod-
Skin: [ DNA ] .::.:LEGACY:.::. [_TYPE 1A-E_] BROW LINES
Eyes: [Punk'D] Rainbow eyes
Hair: ":SEY x FA" * Transer * [Apricot Blond]
Ears: Aitui Type 1 & 2 (plug and Flesh Tunnel)
Ink: four.ARSENIC- Abstractions

-Wearing things-
Belt: [ATOMIC] Music Belt_Black
Pants: *BOOM* Gettin Low Jeans -Black-
Undershorts: four.ARSENIC trackers 2.0 -Fader red-
Boots: AVZ~ Wrapped Boots
Arm Sleeves: Sinistyle Lillith Sleeves
Neck Things - ::Goth1c0(gemmed):Rebel's Blood Vial
Spider Productions - Skull Webbed Necklace (plain)


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